Oct 14, 2019
If you are in need of dental implant surgery in Hyderabad, you must have a lot of questions about how this treatment works. Here are some of the most common FAQs regarding dental implants.
What are dental implants?
A dental implant is used as a support mechanism for multiple false teeth. Usually, it is a screw – made of titanium – which is used as a replacement for the root of a tooth. Similar to how the real root of your tooth is lodged in the jawbone, an implant is also attached to it.
Are Implants Safe?
Dental implants have been established as a safe dental procedure. Just like your natural teeth, dental implants can last as long as you look after them with utmost care.
When you don’t take adequate care of your dental implants, a coating is formed on them, much like how it is produced on your natural teeth. If you continue to ignore it, it can cause soreness, bleeding, gum disease, and discomfort.
If your jawbone fuses smoothly with the implant and if you look take proper care of it, your dental implants can last for several years.
How Much Dental Do Dental Implants Hurt?
They do not hurt much. A local anesthetic is used to place a dental implant, which numbs down the facial nerves of a patient. During and immediately after surgery, you are not going to experience any kind of pain. However, after some time, you may feel uneasy in the first post-surgery week.
Depending upon your condition, a dentist might even offer you a sedative, although it is a rare occurrence.
How Long Is the Procedure?
This depends mainly on the type of dental implant technique and the treatment plan created by your dental surgeon. There are some types of implants that are loaded immediately, while others can take a few months.
Do I Need to Take Any Precautions After the Surgery?
Your dental surgeon will explain to you what you can eat after the surgery and what instructions you must follow to ensure that your dental implants get the proper care.
Affordable Dental Implants
Many people are reluctant to go for dental implant surgery because they can break the bank. You should consider a visit to Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Center to get yourself fitted with affordable dental implants.