Category: Dental Health

Do Not Panic If You Have Cavities Why Do I Have Cavities? When patients go to the dentist for their checkups, the term “cavities” is one of the things that they dread hearing the dentist say. Even if you clean your teeth twice daily and use floss, your dentist still gave you a failing...

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5 Common Dental Myths Busted We’ve heard just about everything there is to hear when it comes to the ludicrous misconceptions that exist regarding dental cleanliness and treatment. On the other hand, the ones that pose the greatest threat are rarely as extreme as they appear. As a result of...

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Cosmetic Dentistry For A Beautiful Smile Nature has a rule that goes something like, “function follows form.” The implication of this adage is that how something appears determines how it works. You might, for instance, have a collection of screwdrivers in a variety of sizes and styles (form) to...

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Have You Been Avoiding the Dentist? We all have our justifications. Time, and monetary, resources. aversion to experiencing unpleasant sensations. Adjusting coverage. Having yet more reason to remind us that we need to floss more. Any of these could make us reluctant to maintain regular dental...

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New Trend Alert – Oil Pulling What is Oil Pulling? The latest trend in DIY detox treatments is oil pulling, which is said to make teeth whiter, gums healthier, and body aches and pains go away. Oil pulling is a way to clean your teeth that has been around for hundreds of years and is now popular...

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Smile: It Improves Your Face Value! You may not realize how strong your smile is. Scientists have studied many things about smiling, like how it affects your brain, your health, and your general experience of life. Your smile can even change the situation you’re in and the people around you. You...

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